the past decade, the Glion Colloquium has established itself as an influential
resource in addressing the challenges, roles and responsibilities of the
world's research universities. This book presents the papers and discussion
summaries from the VIII Glion Colloquium held in June 2011 in Glion-above-Montreux,
Switzerland, where university leaders from around the world gathered to
consider the role of research universities in addressing the challenges of
global sustainability in the broadest sense, including climate, environmental,
economic, health, poverty and geopolitical concerns. Those at the Colloquium discussed
not only how research universities are adapting to the imperatives of global
sustainability (e.g., social diversity, resource management, academic programs,
research and scholarship), but also how universities can develop new curricula,
student experiences, research paradigms, social engagement and international
alliances to better address the challenges of global sustainability, while
producing globally identified citizens.
The Colloquium also considered the implications of these profound
economic, demographic, technological and political changes for the
sustainability of the research university itself.